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15 Useful Phrases for IELTS Speaking Part 1

Why IELTS speaking part 1 is important

IELTS Speaking Part 1 is so important because you need to make a good first impression. 

You need to be 

  1. Calm
  2. In control 
  3. Well prepared

In this lesson, I will help you get well prepared by giving you 15 useful phrases for IELTS Speaking Part 1 that can help you impress the examiner.

The great thing about these phrases can be used for all sorts of topics.

Do remember, to practice these phrases a lot, as you need to use them naturally to make a good impression.

Table of Contents

IELTS speaking questions about 'things you like'

1. Yes, I can’t get enough of it

In part 1 the examiner may ask you if you like different things.

For example, 

Instead of saying ‘yes, I like it’, you could say, 

Yes, I can’t get enough of it 

Notice this is for singular things, but if the question is about plural things, such as cakes, you need to change the ‘it’ for ‘them

For example,

  • Do you like cakes? 
  • Do you like books
  • Do you like cars?

Yes, I can’t get enough of them.

2. What I like most about it is 

This is a nice expression to help you develop your answers a little. It’s a more complex signpost that emphasizes what you like and so naturally you will go on to say why.

So you may use a structure like this:

What I like most about it is + adjective clause + example

For example

Yes, what I like most about it is 

it’s so interesting 

for example, last week 

I read an article about solar panels

and how we can use them

We can use this phrase for those questions we saw above, such as:

  • Do you like music? 
  • Do you like art? 
  • Do you like social media? 
  • Do you like coffee?

3. I love that it allows me to

Again, this is a nice phrase that lets you naturally develop your answer a little.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 TIP: Develop your answer a little, but not too much!

For example,

Yes, I love that it allows me to understand the world around us

Yes, I love that it allows me to connect with family and friends at the press of a button

  • Do you like coffee?

Yes, I love that it allows me to wake up quickly and be on the ball at work

IELTS Speaking things you like

IELTS speaking questions about 'things you are good at'

In IELTS Speaking Part 1 the examiner may ask you about your ability and if you are good at doing certain activities.

For example, 

  • Are you good at cooking?
  • Are you good at swimming?
  • Are you good at playing sports?

Here, of course, you can say, you are good at it or bad at it. However, you could use richer vocabulary with phrases like the ones below 

4. Yes, I have a knack for it

To have a knack for ____ = to be good / talented at ______

  • Are you good at cooking?

Yes, I have a knack for it

5. No, I am hopeless at it

  • Are you good at cooking?

No, I am hopeless at it

IELTS speaking questions about 'how oftern you do things'

IELTS Speaking Part 1 is all about you and your experience, so it is natural that the examiner will ask you about activities you do and how often you do them. 

For example,

  • Do you play football? How often?
  • How often do you sing?
  • Do you often go to parks?

Here are some useful phrase for IELTS Speaking Part 1 that can help you with this.

Other ways to say “sometimes

6. Yes, from time to time 

7. Yes, now and again

8. Yes, every once in a while

Another way to say “usually

9. Yes, I play football at the weekends, more often than not

Another way to say “never

10. No, I’m not in the least bit interested in that

IELTS playing football

IELTS speaking answers with 'connectors'

In IELTS Speaking Part 1, you may get questions asking your opinion about something.

For instance,

  • Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?
  • What’s your favourite kind of weather?

If you start your answer with a connector or signpost, it can make your answer more coherent and easier for the examiner to follow.

Here are some examples, 

11. Without a doubt

12. In all seriousness

13. To be totally upfront

  • Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?
Without a doubt, I prefer cold weather because in the hot weather, if it’s sunny, my skins burns so easily
In all seriousness, I prefer cold weather because in the hot weather, if it’s sunny, my skins burns so easily
To be totally upfront, I prefer cold weather because in the hot weather, if it’s sunny, my skins burns so easily

IELTS speaking questions with 'would you?'

Another common question type in IELTS Speaking Part 1 is ‘Would you ______?’ 

For example, 

  • Would you like to be famous? 
  • Would you give a pen as a present?

Here are two simple phrases for IELTS Speaking Part 1 you can use to answer this kind of question.

14. Yes, I wouldn’t think twice about it

This means, yes for sure, I would not hesitate and I do not need to think about it. 

15. No, not for the love of money

This means no not at all, even if you gave me a lot of money, I would not do it.

IELTS speaking part 1 tips

Remember in Part 1, you should talk about you and your life experiences. Also, you do need to develop your answers a little, but not too much.

These 15 phrases can help you show off your use of language, but do practice these phrases a lot before using them in the test. 

Make sure you are comfortable using them and that you can use them naturally.

Finally, leave me a comment below and tell me which phrase you like and are going to try and practice.

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Crack IELTS Speaking Part 1

Keith O'Hare

Keith O'Hare

Trinity Dip TESOL, MSc Digital Education (UK). Helping more than 40,000 students worldwide with my online courses. A lover of languages, teaching and lasagna!

24 thoughts on “15 Useful Phrases for IELTS Speaking Part 1”

  1. You are a godsend to all the ILETS students who are preparing for the test . I can not thank you enough . God bless you .

  2. Wow… It was amazing.. helped me to get a lot of vocabularies as well as learnt a new way to answers.. Thanku so much

    1. Band 7 is a great result, well done. Keep practicing and I am sure you will do even better. Good luck!

  3. ” I can’t get enough of it.” I like this sentence and I can also say that I can’t enough of it, right?” I can’t enough of it.” I like this sentence and I can also say that I can’t get enough of it, right?

  4. “Yes, I wouldn’t think twice about it”. I love this sentence because when it comes to ” No, I don’t or yes, I do”, both ‘No’ and ‘I don’t’ are negative and the ‘yes’ and ‘I do’ are positive; whereas in that sentence even though ‘yes’ is positive and ‘I wouldn’t think’ is negative, the sentence is positive and it supports the positive ‘yes’. Are we obliged to thank Keith for this wonderful phrases? Yes, ofcourse we are, I wouldn’t think twice about it. Thanks Keith.

          1. I really enjoy your lessons you’re a great teacher I’m so happy to have found you. Thank you very much Keith!

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